Man-in-the-middle attack

Man in the Middle attack in this blog I will show you the practical of (MITM attack) before we move to the practical first of all understand what the heck is man in the middle attack?

 So, in MITM the hacker places himself between the Router & Victim and all the request which was supposed to go directly through the router but it is sniffed by the hacker and now the hacker can see & modify the request and the hacker can clearly see your traffic.


Below are the steps of MITM in a practical Way.

STEP 1 : You should know the IP & MAC address of windows(Victim),  Kali(Hacker's Machine) & Routers.

STEP 2 : Open Ettercap in Kali Linux with this command sudo ettercap -G and scan for the live host and (here we've opened Ettercap in the GUI version)


Now select the option scan for hosts to scan the hosts in your subnet.


Now select the option host list to view the hosts that have been added. 

STEP 3 : Now you can see the host list & from that select the IP address of your router and add it to Target 2 and Windows(victim IP) to Target 1.                     

STEP 4 : Now select the globe-like icon and choose the ARP poisoning option.

STEP 5 : Open Wireshark and at the display filter add your windows(victim IP) 

STEP 6 :  Open any browser on Windows(Victim device) I've opened chrome and entered the http :// 

STEP 7 :  Now head back to Wireshark and we could see the DNS request. as you can see the request is captured by the Wireshark below.

From the above Practical we could see how a hacker can intercept your traffic between your router and your devices through MITM Attack.  
NOTE : This Practical is Just for Educational Purpose, Perform it in a safe environment only.


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